Saturday, October 20, 2012

Culture. How does culture promote change?

So I heard someone say "Culture inhibits growth and change." His argument  was that people grow and learn new values, beliefs, and ideas when in a culture. Like when you grow up in America its socially unacceptable to be living with your parents at the age of 33. But in modern day India its completely acceptable. Some people in India even plan to do just that. That all boils down what you belief which belief is essential on culture. And in American culture that is believed to be insane and odd. some may even call it sad. But my argument is that culture does not inhabit change in my opinion. I believe that culture is the tradition, belief, ideas of a certain group of people follow. Like October fest in Germany. October fest is apart of German culture and is also a tradition. People of Germany believe in celebrating October fest every year. So tradition is when you keep doing the same thing every year. Like celebrating Christmas every year, or following your favorite sports league every year when it starts.So in return nothing is changing. So my question is, how does culture inhibit change? I can see culture bringing growth, but not change.

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